verse of the day

“But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed. We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all.” -Isaiah 53:5-6 Listen to chapter

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Saturday, October 31, 2009

3 Old Chairs = 1 ReNEWed Bench

This set of 3 matching chairs have been in our home for some 20 years, purchased at a garage sale for $12 (for all 3).  They've been moving room to room as extra table seating, desk, and bedroom chairs.  Most recently they were moved to our screenhouse (a corn crib in its former life) to serve as extra seating. Chair cushions had helped with maintaining their usefulness as the rush seats were starting to sag & fall apart.  When I came across the CL makeover (see link below), I knew this was what I wanted to do with them.  It was a bit tricky in parts due to having to cut the plank seat around the tops of these chair legs (with the help of my dh), but it was well worth the effort.  I love how it looks on our back porch- so inviting and a place for our cat to dine.

Closeup of chair back and seat

Here are some pics of the project in progress.

Painting is done, now to the finishing details

Plank seat consists of 2 reclaimed tongue n groove barn boards
cut to fit and glued with Gorilla Wood Glue
Tongue was left exposed on front for added detail. (see photo above)

LOVE this paint!  It's so creamy and gives such a smooth finish.

The added touch to attach plank to chairs
(1st drill a hole big enough or wood will split)

Pittsburg Pure Performance (zero VOC) Black Satin

3M sanding pad w/80 grit
Old square nails
Drill and drill bit to predrill holes for nails
2 Reclaimed barn-boards

Gorilla Wood Glue

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Fall Decor on the Inside

Thought I would share some inside decorating.  My fireplace mantel is my favorite decorating spot.  I love to change it with the seasons.  Here it is in all it's fall splendor.  Enjoy!

Most of these items were bargains, gifts or found objects.  
My favorite stores to bargain shop for decor are TJMaxx, Marshalls, & Christmas Tree Shop.

Plate and box came from either TJM or Marshalls.  Iron stars from CTS

These old glasses were found inside an interior wall of our house- aren't they just the cat's meow!
Wood toy blocks were purchased at a local antique/junk store for about a $1 each.  
The "B" is for our last name.
Love that crusty rusty star made from barbed farm fencing.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

1950's Schooldesk

This 1950's Heywood-Wakefield schooldesk was found stored above garage when we moved in over 27 years ago.  Painted a tacky green, written on with black marker and stuck with stickers, it has been patiently waiting for a makeover.  The paint was removed but the wood was not in the best shape so I opted again for a little black satin to spruce her up.  A can of spraypaint for the metal legs and frame along with painting & distressing of the wood got the job done.  I may go back over the desktop with chalkboard paint so it could be used for a message board in an entryway or for a child's use.

Closeup of detail

Here's the only before pics that I took.  But you get the idea.   

Note the lovely shade of green-what were they thinking!?

As you can see, the seat was discolored and needing some coverage.

For paint removal I use Back to Nature Multi Strip. It's a "greener" product and will encapsulate any lead paint. We've been using it in our kitchen renovation of an 1829 farmhouse- works great! Most of the time it comes off like butter. The key is putting on a thick enough layer and waiting 24-48 hrs.  It is well worth the wait. 

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

All Dressered in Black

Before this thrift store find was a sad sight but solid. I could have refinished the poor thing but opted for the "cottage" look of painted wood.  The knobs came with this thrift store find, however, the previous owner left the extra hole (for a handle) exposed.  A bit of wood filler, some light sanding for adhesion, black satin paint, some distressing and it's now "looking fine".  I love it's new junk-over!  This dresser would work well in the diningroom for table linens; entry or mudroom for hat, scarves & mitten storage; craft room for fabric, etc. or wherever organization is needed.
Before: tired and sad

Here she is in all her splendor - love how this came out, I surprised myself!

A closeup
Products used:
Zar Wood Patch in Neutral
Pittsburg Pure Performance Eggshell Paint in Black Satin (2 coats)
3M Block Sander w/80 grit paper

You may see additional posts at under itsnotjunk2me

Bookmark this website- it's great for sparking new decorating ideas!

Monday, October 26, 2009


Welcome to The 1829 Farmhouse!  Pull up a chair, pour yourself a cup of java, or tea(my fav) and spend some time relaxing at our house.  We are in the midst of the autumn season in the NE with crisp cool air surrounding the outdoors and colorful leaves blanketing the ground. Although I miss the summer temps, I DO love the warm colors of fall.  It gives me opportunity to decorate with pumpkins and mums as you can see above.  I used an old galvanized coal bucket for the planter and our sole 3 pumpkins from our first-ever crop as companions.  I hope you enjoy this little vignette near our back porch.  This somehow makes it "warmer" in the midst of the cooler temps. 


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