verse of the day

Friday, January 18, 2013

hello? are you still there?

as you are well aware, i have been completely absent from my blog for months (cringe).  please forgive the absence, i have been having difficulties with posting, adding photos and no extra time to figure it all out.  i'm frustrated to say the least and am surprised that anyone is still out there reading my blog. 
if you are, thank you for sticking with me!
in the interim, while i try to figure this all out, you can see what i've been up to on pinterest by following me here.
i promise to be back, just not sure when that will be. 
among other things, we have a few major tasks this year, of which I will disclose as soon as permissible.
yes, i am hyperventilating but i'll be ok
once i find a paper bag to breath into. 
it may be a permanent attachment for a while.
i'm really trying to dance in the rain and above all
trust God in all things without being anxious!
sorry for not having any pretty pictures to look at while reading, as we all know, a picture's worth a thousand words.
and then i wouldn't have to write so much!
until i figure out this blip,
please visit the following popular posts.
(there's more coming with this one)
here's to a
new year!


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