verse of the day

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.” -Galatians 5:22-23 Listen to chapter

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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Cottage Elements Giveaway

Lani over at Cottage Elements is having a giveaway!  It's a Junkload of JunkMarketStyle's own Sue Whitney's publications.  Follow directions below to win a set of  Sue Whitney's books two and three, with magazine and DVD! 

Here's how to enter: 
  1. Go to the JUNKMARKET site and become a member.
  2. Leave a Comment on the Cottage Elements Blog with your user name.  If you are already a member on JMS, great!  Just leave your user name.
  3. Become a follower or already be a follower of the Cottage Elements blog for an extra chance to win. 
  4. And for an even greater chance to win, mention it on your blog, tweet it, facebook it or grab the blogger button below and post it on your blog.  It's really that simple! 


  1. Hi Judi,
    Just visiting your blog as I haven't been for awhile. First, I am so very sorry to hear about your brother's least we can be sure that he is in a much better place thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
    I noticed on the JMS that you said you were re-doing your kitchen and I am excited to see the finished room. I plan to paint my kitchen cabinets over the next while so will be back to ask you some advice.
    Happy day.

  2. pst...didn't see an e-mail address for you but wanted to tell you that when I saw your post of your kitchen redo it reminded me of one I saw on another blog. The kitchen's look so much the same with the layout I thought you might be interested in checking out that project too. The link to her kitchen post is

    and her site is called LaurieAnna's Vintage Home.

  3. thank you Melissa...I will check it out!

  4. Hey Judi! Thanks for the note about the chalk ink! I know Starbucks uses pens that look like chalk so I was hoping I could find those. I'll take a look this weekend! Sweet.


i love hearing from you! please leave me your comments or questions. thanks for stopping by.


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