verse of the day

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” -Romans 15:13 Listen to chapter

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Saturday, February 13, 2010

I'm Getting Sentimental Over You

Valentine's Day is almost here so I thought I'd join in on the V-day blogging.  Here are a few little ditties that I found while perusing a quaint little antique shop a few weekends ago.  I'm not one to do much decorating for Valentine's Day as I don't really go for the cutesy, cuddly, heart stuff.  However, find me some vintage cards, tins and records and I'm there!  The prices on these antiquated items were better than my local thrift store, so you can imagine my intense desire to... 

"squeal with delight"!!!

but I didn't  (sigh)

I held my potential outburst to myself, remained calm, nonchalant and paid the nice lady the ridiculous low price that was asked.  Ok, so without being overly verbose, let's get on with the "finds" for my decor.

The 45 rpm record in the background was a steal bargain for $.50.  This is one of 3 that was in the window display that she so graciously dismantled for me.  That's $1.50 for three old 45's!

The cookie cutters are from my stock acquired from the estate of dh's grandma.

The tins in the foreground were $3.50 each!  I LOVE the graphics...cute huh!?  The OXO cubes were bouillon for soup stock made in England.   The first cubes went into production in 1910.  Here's an advertisement for them way back when and how they're packaged today.  The cube is a little "x", isn't that sweet!?'s a little vignette that I pulled together for your enjoyment...

Pay no attention to that man thing behind the curtain hanging out behind the lamp...I guess I could have removed it before taking the pic...oh well.

Here's another staging with the "hugs n kisses" is just too stinkin' cute, dontcha think?!

If you can't read the song titles, here they are in clockwise order:
"Temptation" , "Two Hot for Love", and "I'm Getting Sentimental Over You"
The titles and the color of the records was just "too cool for school" if you know what I mean.  Not only that but the "Temptation" record is sung by that hot American-Italian tenor, Mario Lanza.  He would have been the same age as my dad, if he was still alive.  He was the Josh Groban of the 1940-50's.  I don't know about you, and maybe it's because my dad had a nice tenor voice, but tenors just give me goose bumples.  We had a Placido Domingo song sung at our wedding some twenty-something years ago.  But hey, I'm rambling on here. (sorry)

I also found two sweet little Valentine cards that I have slipped in the edge of my hoosier door.  The graphics & colors of the cards were so great back then. 


 Do you love the vintage as much as I do?
Happy Valentines Day to my blogging buds!

~ judi ;)



  1. Score! :) Don't you love it when you have a great find?

    Love your new bloggy clothes.

  2. LOVE the pink records, vintage valentines and your scales! Happy Valentine's Day ~Lezlee

  3. You never know where you're going to find love! It is fun to stretch our imaginations beyond the norm to find an interesting way to re-purpose things.

    - The Tablescaper


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