verse of the day

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” -Romans 15:13 Listen to chapter

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Thursday, February 18, 2010

There's Hope for Me!

If you're new to blogging like I am, you probably have been frustrated at times with various aspects of posting, layout and pictures.  This has been a learning curve for me and very time consuming due to my lack of knowledge.  The wonderful thing about this blogosphere are the wonderful people out there who have taken the time to alert us newbies about the "how to's".  I would like to give a shout out to Susan at BNOTP for her recent blog post about heading tabs. 

I have been trying to do a variety of things to my blog to make it more "me", appealing and friendly.  I now have hope and am slowly succeeding at this.  I finally was able to apply the heading tabs to my blog, use linkwithin that will add those nifty little "you might also like" post pics, buttons for my sidebar, AND add a pic for my title!  The aforementioned was accomplished thanks to Picnik and its easy peasy photo editing.  I have Candy Allen from JMS and  Junk Sophisticate to thank for this information when I was struggling to learn how to resize pics. 
I still need to tweak some pics and blog areas but at least I now have the "know how" to get the job completed.   

Etsy is my next venture which I have been holding off on for some time now.  I have my site up but still have the shop appearance and items to sell that need to be loaded on.  One must have merchandise right!?   I am a visual, hands on learner and thus I'm very suh..low!  My one big hold up is how to figure shipping for each item.  I'm not sure if Etsy helps with that or one needs to weigh each item or both?  I sure would appreciate any help that anyone out there has..a webpage, etsy page or blog that addresses it.

Be sure to check out all the links that I"ve added for your enjoyment, you'll be glad that you did.

Also, I haven't forgotten about posting more of our kitchen remodel...really!  It's just that life has gotten in the way of my blogging.  The great thing about Blogger is that you can draft a post and work on it when you have the time.  I just need the time!   ;)


  1. I really like all the changes! Lezlee

  2. OMG! Your blog is looking FABULOUS! Your doing a great job...and don't worry about having to take time for "life". We have to do that sometimes!


  3. I think you're doing GREAT on your blog! I love your posts too. They are really cute, and cannot wait to get an update on the kitchen. You have really had your work cut out for you. If I can help you with your blog, don't hesitate to email me at or leave a comment. I'll get in touch with you. Thank you for signing up to follow. It gave me a chance to find your blog and I really look forward to following your progress.

  4. Looks like you are doing very well figuring it all out! I am going on about 6 weeks, so I am feeling a little more confident.....notice I say little!!~ I can't wait to see more of your home!!~

  5. You are doing a great job on your blog! I knew absolutely nothing about blogging when I started either! There is definitely a learning curve!! I still don't know anything about shipping on etsy, ebay, etc. There's always more to learn!

  6. Your blog is great! You've got so many good ideas and fun things to share. I've been reading through your posts. So much fun!

    I have an ETSY shop and I agree that shipping was hard to figure out. I ordered boxes from Uline and then I took the box measurements and I weighed a few things that I sell and I went to the USPS website and figured out how much the shipping costs. I followed the suggestions on Etsy and used 2nd class. Now I'm more comfortable with it and I just guestimate and it's always worked out fine.

    Thanks for asking about following my blog. I am about to change over to a new website and I will have an RSS feed there. It should be up in about a week.

    Thanks for visiting me. I'll be back! Lisa~


i love hearing from you! please leave me your comments or questions. thanks for stopping by.


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