verse of the day

“A psalm of David. The LORD is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake.” -Psalm 23:1-3 Listen to chapter

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Saturday, March 20, 2010

CoMpAred to WhAt?

I was over at The Lettered Cottage (scroll way down) taking a stroll around several posts back and came upon the link for the Country Living/Hudson Goods giveaway.  Oh my!  Have you ever checked out Hudson Goods????  Their stuff is so amazing...industrial, rusty, it!   And then.  oh my.   I saw.   THE light.   at Hudson Goods.  oh my.  it was so.  so. unique!   
Ok....reality is $149 and basically it is rusty wire on a single bulb pendant with cloth covered wire.  Could this not possibly be made for practically peanuts compared to their cost?  Nothing against Hudson Goods but a girl's gotta do what a thrifty, bargain hunter, junk-lovin' girl's gotta do and that is make it yourself!  I just need to "find" all the components, which may be as close as my own house & Home Depot.  
Of course, I'll just add this to my LONG list of to do's   ;)

Besides this incredible light, I perused the website and found this stool
(Hudson Goods $259)

which looks very similar to this stool
(the1829farmhouse  $15) 

Don't you just LOVE it when you find that you have the latest, greatest in home decor and spent hardly anything on it?!   The above stool was found at a moving sale last summer from a couple who were heading south.  I also found a beautiful Boston rocker in gorgeous condition for a mere $25...woohoo!

What have you found in your possession that has been featured on a website, magazine or catalog??


  1. Did you click the text size box by accident,while editing? or copy/paste something?

    I have the red bar stools that are like the silver ones contestants sit on during American Idol. They are everywhere,Target, etc..., but I've had mine for four or five years and got them at True Value Hardware, two in a box, for the same price you pay for one elsewhere. I love buying or finding second hand the best. You got a great deal on your stool. Funny how the big stores are copying us junkers, now.:) But, it may make it harder for us to find good stuff.:( Lezlee

  2. I used an industrial funnel as a pendant light months before the exact one was featured in Flea Market Style Magazine. I also got one of the french wire laundry baskets way before it was used as bathroom decor in the recent Pottery Barn bed/bath catalog. I posted about them because I couldn't believe it! I'm never ahead of the curve on anything. Love Hudson Goods.

  3. That stool IS great. Nicely done! I want to see the light too!

  4. Oh you are so hip and happening. Uh oh. Does anyone say hip any more? I'm showing my age. LOL! However you say're groovy. Lisa~

  5. Judi, Well Well Well aren't you just the hot potato! Good on you! I was looking at your text thinking I wonder if she up graded? I have been thinking about that lateley 'cause I want more fonts to play with. BUT I am so goofy on the computer I hated to spend the money! SO to answer your question in a word NO!
    smiles, alice

  6. Sorry for my miss spelled words. Too hot on the trigger. lol
    smiles, alice

  7. Judi- the light is awesome! It does seem like if you find the right pieces you can do it- show us if you do! I love your stool, too- what a fabulous find! I really love this look!


i love hearing from you! please leave me your comments or questions. thanks for stopping by.


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