verse of the day

“Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.” -Colossians 3:12 Listen to chapter

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Sunday, April 11, 2010


I saw this quote at a coffee house this speaks volumes.  How many times do I grumble and complain because I am in the midst of an inconvenience,  uncomfortable situation or trial?  I need to know that no matter what, God has my back.  He is in control and I need to learn to be joyful through the storms of life.  
(I think I am in need of an attitude adjustment.)
Consider it all joy... when you encounter various trials.
James 1:2


  1. I keep trying to live this way, too! Thanks, Judi!

  2. Oh, I hear you on that one! I, too, should be praising more and letting the little things go. Thanks for the great reminder.

  3. Oh I wish they had a thumbs up button on the blog comments, cause I'd sure give you one. Great post, Judi.

  4. Needed to hear that one today! Thanks!

  5. Oh, don't we all?! " I need to learn...*no matter what*..." Yep that's me! Thank you...this is timely:)
    Thank you so much for your compassion and prayers for my family!

  6. Great quote indeed Judi. Love it.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm excited to see your new mannequin. It might be like the one I have at our French Flea shop currently. It has a wire cage and we were told it was a furriers mannequin. May be why some manni's have the wire cage and such. Just an interesting tidbit.
    I have 2 full size ones now, the one recently shown on my blog, and the other is shown in the French Flea categories photos.
    Have a great day! I'm loaded up and on my way down to meet Sue Whitney with a truckload of props for the AA/JMS event. Should be a fun day!

  7. Great reminder! The weather must be getting nicer up north and that always makes my attitude change, but being content no matter is what I desire! Lezlee

  8. I stumbled upon your blog thru My Repurposed Life & love it so far! I am in CNY as well, Cazenovia area..funny in the big world wide web to find someone "local" :)

  9. I find I get grumpy about the little things way too often. I've been trying lately to retrain my thinking. For example I was cleaning out the fridge the other day and started grumbling to myself about how much I hate it. Suddenly I thought about how many people in the world don't even have a fridge. And certainly not one stuffed full of food. I stopped grumbling and instead said a prayer of thankfullness to God.


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